Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese form of interior design that aims to bring harmony between people, their environment, and their personal goals. It has a rich history that spans thousands of years and continues to be relevant in today’s interior design industry. Homeowners and apartment dwellers alike appreciate the benefits of creating balanced interiors that flow with positive energy and feel aesthetically balanced. Feng Shui is given credit for bringing good health, maintaining relationships, inviting prosperity, and just overall good luck.
For beginners, there are simple steps that can be taken that will dramatically improve the flow of energy in a bedroom. The placement of the bed is an important element because it can interrupt the energy flow coming from the door and/or windows. Doors are important because they can help contain positive energy and keep it from escaping. Color is another important factor because you want to balance the effects of warm and cool colors.
An important aspect of Feng Shui is reducing clutter and keeping everything in its place. A minimalist approach is best which is why the properties of Feng Shui perfectly compliment the properties of a modern design bedroom. They both emphasize clean lines, open spaces, natural lighting, and highly efficient interiors. Check out the link below for Top Ten Feng Shui Tips for Your Bedroom.
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At Platform Beds Online, we offer a wide selection of minimalist modern platform beds that will compliment your Feng Shui inspired bedroom design. Be sure to check out the choices available online. The Kooning Platform Bed is a great choice for a Feng Shui bedroom because it already incorporates dual bedside tables into the design.
really an awsome tips for feng shui beginner really helps me a lot