When you go to a paint store, you’re given swatches as samples of the colors you’re thinking about using. You might even take these swatches home and hang them from the wall of the room you’re about to paint, to see which one appeals to you the most. This, however, may not be the best way to test your paint colors for your bedroom.
You’ll get the best sense of how the color will really look if you paint it directly on the wall. If you use a board, or a swatch, the paint will look slightly different. Boards in particular are inaccurate; the texture of a board is very different to the texture of your wall, so the paint won’t look the same. Luckily, many businesses offer sample cans of paint that you can take home to try.
When you’re testing your paint at home, be sure to paint two coats, and do so in large swaths of at least one foot by one foot. The paint will read very differently after a second coat, and the larger area will give you a much better sense of how the paint will look when it’s covering the whole room. Click the link below for more tips on how to pick the right paint!
Read the full article here: http://www.houzz.com/ideabooks/66922867/list/myth-buster-the-right-way-to-test-paint-colors/
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