There are certain places in every home where clutter tends to build. These problem areas can quickly become chaotic, but with a few simple tricks you’ll be able to clean them up in five minutes or less when company is dropping by unexpectedly! That might sound like you’ll be creating chaos in a smaller area, but if you do this right, you’ll be organizing as you go!
The bedside table is one of the most cluttered places in most homes. It gets overcrowded with glasses, watches, newspapers, magazines, and more. You can keep all of these handy things beside your bed but out of site with some simple storage, though. A hanging wall pocket beside your bed is a perfect place to stash some clutter and still keep what you want within reach, for example.
Your bathroom also tends to attract clutter, and it’s also the room that usually gets the most attention when company is on its way. Try keeping two baskets in your bathroom. Use one with a lid for hiding dirty towels, and keep another one with a small open-top for storing toilet paper. That way, guests will never have to go searching through your bathroom cabinets when the toilet paper runs out. Check out the article below for more ways to cut the clutter!
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